
Constitution of the Scottish Airway Group

A. Constitution

1. The name of the society will be the “SCOTTISH AIRWAY GROUP”. The group may also be known under the abbreviation “SAG”.

2. The objects of the Group will be to further the study, education and practice of Airway Management and associated anaesthetic interests and the proper teaching and education thereof and to conserve and advance the interests of Airway Management and Anaesthetics in Scotland and in general.

3. The Group will consist of Honorary Members, Senior Members, and Ordinary Members. The Executive will comprise of a Chairperson a Vice Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Events Co-ordinator and an Education and Research Co-ordinator. The Executive will be formed by the above Executive office bearers with the immediate Past Chairperson. The Executive Committee will comprise of the Executive and up to six Ordinary Members to ensure adequate Scottish geographical representation plus two representing Trainee Anaesthetists. The Executive, under their own discretion may invite other relevant persons to attend the Executive Committee to allow for the effective functioning of the society and to further the aims of the society as in Clause A2. Such appointments will be reviewed annually.

4. Full membership of the society is free and is open to anaesthetists, critical care and emergency medicine doctors of all grades. Associate membership is also available for non-medically qualified persons involved in airway management such as Operating Department Practitioners, Nursing staff, Critical Care Practitioners and Anaesthetic Practitioners. Membership fees may apply in the future.

If you wish to apply for membership, please visit the Membership page or click here.

5. Senior Members will be elected from Ordinary Members who have retired from active practice.

6. An Educational/Scientific Meeting will be held every year, at a time and place to be appointed by the Executive Committee.

B. Election

1. Ordinary Members who wish to be elected to a place on the Executive Committee as Regional Representatives for a period of two years may be elected by a two-thirds majority of those present, at any regular meeting. Nominations by any existing SAG member are to be sent to the Secretary no less than one calendar month before the day of election and prior to any regular meeting. In the presence of multiple nominations from the same area appointments of more than one representative from this same area will only be considered in the absence of a candidate from another geographical area for example North, South, and East, West or Central areas of Scotland. In the absence of any nominee for any one region or regions the executive council will consider late nominations of members of no particular region to fill the vacancy. Only in this event nominations should be sent to the Secretary and no less than 14 days prior to  any regular meeting.

2. Nominations for Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Events Coordinator and Education and Research Coordinator will be made on a three yearly basis by the Executive Committee, and will be circulated to Members along with the notice of the Annual General Meeting.  Any further nominations for these Offices may be submitted to the Secretary no less than 30 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting and a ballot held if necessary. Nominees for Executive posts should have held a position on the Executive Committee for no less than 2 years.

3. Regional Representatives will serve on the Executive Committee for a period of two years, and on retiring from office will not be eligible for re-election to the Council as a Regional Representative within a period of one year unless in the absence of any other nominations.

4. Nominations for each Regional Representative vacancy in the Executive Committee created by retirement will be called for along with Notice of the Annual General Meeting.  Nominations may be submitted to the Secretary no less than 30 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting and a ballot held if necessary. In the absence of a nominee the executive committee will consider late nominations of members to fill the vacancy. Only in this event should late nominations should be sent to the Secretary no less than 14 days prior to any regular meeting.

5. Trainee representatives will serve on the Executive Committee for a period not exceeding 2 years unless in the absence of any other nominations. Nominations for trainee representative vacancies should be sent to the Secretary no less than 30 days before the date of the Annual General meeting. In the absence of a nominee the executive committee will consider late nominations of members to fill the vacancy. Only in this event should late nominations should be sent to the Secretary no less than 14 days prior to any regular meeting.

C. Duties of office-bearers and members of the executive

1. The Chairperson will preside at the Meetings both of the Group and Executive Committee, and will have a casting as well as a deliberative vote.  He/she will hold office for three years and retire at the Annual Meeting.

2. The Vice Chairperson will act for the Chairperson when required to do so.

3. The Secretary will keep all the records of the Group and will notify all Members of the business of the Group.  The Treasurer will collect subscriptions, pay accounts and render a financial statement to the Annual Meeting.

4. The Executive Committee will be consulted by the Chairperson upon all matters concerning the conduct and interests of the Group, and will be permitted to record their vote by post or electronically upon any question in dispute.

5. The trustees of the Scottish Airway Group will be the current Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice Chairperson.

D. Finance

1. All monies of the Group will be devoted to the purpose of the Group as declared at Clause A2 of the Constitution. Noting that this will include sufficient monies as to finance the proper and efficient running of the committee at Clause A2 and awarding of monetary grants or bursaries to members to further the aims of the society as in Clause A2 of the constitution.

2.In the event of dissolution of the Group any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all proper debts and liabilities – will not be divided amongst the members but will be applied to a similar purpose that is charitable in law.

3. Ordinary Members may be asked to pay an annual subscription, the amount of which will be fixed at the Annual Meeting of that year.  Anaesthetists in training may pay a reduced subscription also to be fixed at the above meeting.

4. Payment of any subscription must be by Banker’s Order or Direct Debit or Paypal.

5. Any Member who has not paid his subscription for the current year may, at the discretion of the Executive Council, cease to be a Member of the Society.

E. General

1. No alteration of, or addition to, the rules may be made save at an Ordinary Meeting after one month’s notice given to the Secretary, who will place the suggestion upon the Agenda.

2. Such alterations will be notified to the Inland Revenue Claims Branch, Edinburgh.

3. Personal as well as official guests may be invited to the Meetings and Dinners of the Society.

Constitution published